I love the beach and even a bad day at the beach is better than a day without being at the beach. The fresh air and sound of the waves have a hypnotic affect on me. I think it is the best natural medicine Mother Nature has, and it heals me (I know that's sounds corny lol), and renews my energy (and these too, corny). I will pick the beach every time. I love wading in the ocean.. I love sitting on the sand and looking out at the sea. It clears my mind, washes the stress away and makes me feel all happy inside.
I think i'm one of those lucky people who were able to live super close the beach. Like 7 steps away from the sea water, that close.
Stepping out of the cottage with a balcony that prides its view of the sea and sky. Feel refreshed and awakened by the ocean's call as you welcome each day with a beautiful view of the White Island. You can kick back, stretch to your limits and truly relax. You can even forget about everything by listening to the waves splash against the shore. It will eliminate every negative feelings. It is just priceless! believe me on that.
I took this picture yesterday from my porch. The tide was at its highest level. Cant help but take a photo of it. I think its cool.