
I Either Like You or I Don't

If i say i don't like you, don't get mad, I'm entitle to my own opinion. If i say your a douchebag, a jackass, a lying c or even worst an arshole... hey let me. at least I'm giving you a hint that its time to reevaluate yourself. ha-ha. We are not perfect, i know...i don't want to sound harsh, Coz I'am not, I'mm really not!. you're just a cry baby? thats what I think. haha

I get so bored with people who try to sugar coat things. I get mad when people lie to me in my face. How about be yourself, nothing is wrong with it. Believe me you will feel better if you just don’t pretend. Don’t, pretend, lie or make up bullshit story. Coz I’m not going to buy it anyway. Its just a waste of time.. (Mine and yours) .Look if it's the truth some people are going to be ok with it and some people won't. To the people who can't handle the truth all I have to say is man up. The truth is bound to come out sooner or later so for me I'd rather just tell you the truth now and get all the hurt feelings out on the table so we can either move on or we don't. I have so much more respect for people who just tell the brutal honest truth. You will get more out of me in return by telling me the truth then by either lying because you think it will make me feel better or trying to make it sound nice.
Tell me something beside BS and I’m going to put you on a pedestal... Oh wait I change my mind; I suddenly remember something about me. That I don’t put a happy face to make you feel all so oh good! Ha-ha. . I say what I want to say, I don’t care if you can handle it or not. Coz, rather yank my teeth than bite my tongue.

Inspired by Mother ''N''

We don’t often think about it, but we actually live on a beautiful planet. It would be a shame to destroy all of this. I tried to capture the essence of this beauty whenever i get the chance. Here's a few. I hope that these beautiful photographs can inspire you as much as they inspired me.